7 days to die blade weapons

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From here, more visually distinct bladed weapons were explored, such as a Cutlass, Scimitar and a Katana. Several ideas were thrown around here, such as simply a larger sword, akin to a Greatsword or Broadsword, but these were dismissed, with the former feeling too different from the base weapon (base sword is medium ranged, medium damage whereas a Greatsword is long range, high damage) and the latter feeling too visually similar. First Design Iterations Sword: Base Design: Before sketching any designs out, preliminary research was done for each weapon.

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With the 3 base weapons already set, the new weapons should expand from the first set and feel like a logical upgrade, both in keeping with the same type of weapon and feeling more powerful and distinct. The idea was that these weapons would act as upgrades to the three base weapons (Dagger, Sword and Axe), giving the player more choice in their playthrough and adding both more entertainging gameplay and replayability.

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Coming into Sprint 3, it was decided to create and add 3 additional weapons into the game.